Peer-reviewed journal articles
[29] Carreras, Miguel, Sofia Vera, and Giancarlo Visconti. forthcoming. "Who Does the Caring? Gender Disparities in COVID-19 Attitudes and Behaviors"
Politics & Gender
[28] Carreras, Miguel, Sofia Vera, and Giancarlo Visconti. 2021. "Does Issue Framing Shape Support for COVID-19 Lockdown Measures? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Peru"
Research & Politics 8(2): 1-7
[27] Carreras, Miguel, Giancarlo Visconti, and Igor Acacio. 2021. "The Trump Election and Attitudes toward the United States in Latin America"
Public Opinion Quarterly 85(4): 1092-1102
[26] Carreras, Miguel, Sofia Vera, and Giancarlo Visconti. 2021. "A Tale of Two Pandemics: Economic Inequality and Support for Containment Measures in Peru"
Journal of Politics in Latin America 13(3): 358-375
[25] Carlin, Ryan, Miguel Carreras, and Gregory Love. 2020. "Presidents' Sex and Popularity: Baselines, Dynamics, and Policy Performance"
British Journal of Political Science 50(4): 1359-1379
[24] Carreras, Miguel, and Ajay Verghese. 2020. "Violence, Insecurity, and Religiosity: A Multilevel Analysis of 71 Countries"
Terrorism and Political Violence 32(6): 1310-1328
[23] Carreras, Miguel. 2019. "'What do we have to lose?': Local economic decline, prospect theory, and support for Brexit"
Electoral Studies 62: 102094
[22] Carreras, Miguel, and Shaun Bowler. 2019. "Community Size, Social Capital, and Political Participation in Latin America"
Political Behavior 41(3): 723-745
[21] Carreras, Miguel, Yasemin Irepoglu Carreras, and Shaun Bowler. 2019. "Long-term Economic Distress, Cultural Backlash, and Support for Brexit"
Comparative Political Studies 52(9): 1396-1424
[20] Carreras, Miguel and Néstor Castañeda-Angarita. 2019. "Economic Adversity and Electoral Participation of Vulnerable Socioeconomic Groups"
Electoral Studies 57: 110-120
[19] Carreras, Miguel, and Sofia Vera Rojas. 2018. "Do Corrupt Politicians Mobilize or Demobilize Voters? A Vignette Experiment in Colombia"
Latin American Politics and Society 60(3): 77-95
[18] Carreras, Miguel. 2018. "Presidential Institutions and Electoral Participation in Concurrent Elections in Latin America"
Political Studies 66(3): 541-559
[17] Carreras, Miguel. 2018. "Why No Gender Gap in Electoral Participation? A Civic Duty Explanation"
Electoral Studies 52: 36-45
[16] David Pion-Berlin, and Miguel Carreras. 2017. "Armed Forces, Police, and Crime-fighting in Latin America"
Journal of Politics in Latin America 9(3): 3-26
[15] Carreras, Miguel. 2017. "Public Attitudes toward an Emerging China in Latin America"
Issues & Studies 53(1): 1-28
[14] Carreras, Miguel. 2017. "High-Profile Female Executive Candidates and the Political Engagement of Women: A Multilevel Analysis"
Political Research Quarterly 70(1): 172-183
[13] Carreras, Miguel. 2017. "Institutions, Governmental Performance, and the Rise of Political Newcomers"
European Journal of Political Research 56(2): 364-380
[12] Carreras, Miguel. 2016. "Compulsory Voting and Political Engagement (Beyond the Ballot Box): A Multilevel Analysis"
Electoral Studies 43: 158-168
[11] Carreras, Miguel, Scott Morgenstern, and Yen-Pin Su. 2015. "Refining the Theory of Partisan Alignments: Evidence from Latin America"
Party Politics 21(5): 671-685
[10] Carreras, Miguel and Néstor Castañeda-Angarita. 2014. "Who Votes in Latin America? A Test of Three Theoretical Perspectives"
Comparative Political Studies 47(8): 1079-1104
[9] Carreras, Miguel. 2014. "Outsiders and Executive-Legislative Conflict in Latin America (1980-2007)"
Latin American Politics and Society 56(3): 70-92
[8] Carreras, Miguel and Yasemin Irepoglu. 2013. "Trust in elections, vote buying, and turnout in Latin America"
Electoral Studies 32(4): 609-619
[7] Carreras, Miguel. 2013. "The Impact of Criminal Violence on Regime Legitimacy in Latin America"
Latin American Research Review 48(3): 85-117
[6] Carreras, Miguel. 2013. "Presidentes outsiders y ministros neófitos: Un análisis a través del ejemplo de Fujimori"
América Latina Hoy 64: 95-118
[5] Carreras, Miguel. 2012. "The Rise of Outsiders in Latin America, 1980-2010: An Institutionalist Perspective"
Comparative Political Studies 56(3): 1451-1482
[4] Carreras, Miguel and Alejandro Trelles. 2012. "Bullets and Votes: Violence and Electoral Participation in Mexico"
Journal of Politics in Latin America 4(2): 89-123
[3] Carreras, Miguel. 2012. "Parties and Party Systems in Latin America after the Third Wave: A Critical Re-Assessment"
Journal of Politics in Latin America 4(1): 135-153
[2] Carreras, Miguel. 2012. "Civil Wars and Criminality: The Spillover of Violence"
International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory 5(1): 837-852
[1] Carreras, Miguel. 2012. "The Evolution of the Study of Executive-Legislative Relations in Latin America"
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos Legislativos 2: 20-26
Politics & Gender
[28] Carreras, Miguel, Sofia Vera, and Giancarlo Visconti. 2021. "Does Issue Framing Shape Support for COVID-19 Lockdown Measures? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Peru"
Research & Politics 8(2): 1-7
[27] Carreras, Miguel, Giancarlo Visconti, and Igor Acacio. 2021. "The Trump Election and Attitudes toward the United States in Latin America"
Public Opinion Quarterly 85(4): 1092-1102
[26] Carreras, Miguel, Sofia Vera, and Giancarlo Visconti. 2021. "A Tale of Two Pandemics: Economic Inequality and Support for Containment Measures in Peru"
Journal of Politics in Latin America 13(3): 358-375
[25] Carlin, Ryan, Miguel Carreras, and Gregory Love. 2020. "Presidents' Sex and Popularity: Baselines, Dynamics, and Policy Performance"
British Journal of Political Science 50(4): 1359-1379
[24] Carreras, Miguel, and Ajay Verghese. 2020. "Violence, Insecurity, and Religiosity: A Multilevel Analysis of 71 Countries"
Terrorism and Political Violence 32(6): 1310-1328
[23] Carreras, Miguel. 2019. "'What do we have to lose?': Local economic decline, prospect theory, and support for Brexit"
Electoral Studies 62: 102094
[22] Carreras, Miguel, and Shaun Bowler. 2019. "Community Size, Social Capital, and Political Participation in Latin America"
Political Behavior 41(3): 723-745
[21] Carreras, Miguel, Yasemin Irepoglu Carreras, and Shaun Bowler. 2019. "Long-term Economic Distress, Cultural Backlash, and Support for Brexit"
Comparative Political Studies 52(9): 1396-1424
[20] Carreras, Miguel and Néstor Castañeda-Angarita. 2019. "Economic Adversity and Electoral Participation of Vulnerable Socioeconomic Groups"
Electoral Studies 57: 110-120
[19] Carreras, Miguel, and Sofia Vera Rojas. 2018. "Do Corrupt Politicians Mobilize or Demobilize Voters? A Vignette Experiment in Colombia"
Latin American Politics and Society 60(3): 77-95
[18] Carreras, Miguel. 2018. "Presidential Institutions and Electoral Participation in Concurrent Elections in Latin America"
Political Studies 66(3): 541-559
[17] Carreras, Miguel. 2018. "Why No Gender Gap in Electoral Participation? A Civic Duty Explanation"
Electoral Studies 52: 36-45
[16] David Pion-Berlin, and Miguel Carreras. 2017. "Armed Forces, Police, and Crime-fighting in Latin America"
Journal of Politics in Latin America 9(3): 3-26
[15] Carreras, Miguel. 2017. "Public Attitudes toward an Emerging China in Latin America"
Issues & Studies 53(1): 1-28
[14] Carreras, Miguel. 2017. "High-Profile Female Executive Candidates and the Political Engagement of Women: A Multilevel Analysis"
Political Research Quarterly 70(1): 172-183
[13] Carreras, Miguel. 2017. "Institutions, Governmental Performance, and the Rise of Political Newcomers"
European Journal of Political Research 56(2): 364-380
[12] Carreras, Miguel. 2016. "Compulsory Voting and Political Engagement (Beyond the Ballot Box): A Multilevel Analysis"
Electoral Studies 43: 158-168
[11] Carreras, Miguel, Scott Morgenstern, and Yen-Pin Su. 2015. "Refining the Theory of Partisan Alignments: Evidence from Latin America"
Party Politics 21(5): 671-685
[10] Carreras, Miguel and Néstor Castañeda-Angarita. 2014. "Who Votes in Latin America? A Test of Three Theoretical Perspectives"
Comparative Political Studies 47(8): 1079-1104
[9] Carreras, Miguel. 2014. "Outsiders and Executive-Legislative Conflict in Latin America (1980-2007)"
Latin American Politics and Society 56(3): 70-92
[8] Carreras, Miguel and Yasemin Irepoglu. 2013. "Trust in elections, vote buying, and turnout in Latin America"
Electoral Studies 32(4): 609-619
[7] Carreras, Miguel. 2013. "The Impact of Criminal Violence on Regime Legitimacy in Latin America"
Latin American Research Review 48(3): 85-117
[6] Carreras, Miguel. 2013. "Presidentes outsiders y ministros neófitos: Un análisis a través del ejemplo de Fujimori"
América Latina Hoy 64: 95-118
[5] Carreras, Miguel. 2012. "The Rise of Outsiders in Latin America, 1980-2010: An Institutionalist Perspective"
Comparative Political Studies 56(3): 1451-1482
[4] Carreras, Miguel and Alejandro Trelles. 2012. "Bullets and Votes: Violence and Electoral Participation in Mexico"
Journal of Politics in Latin America 4(2): 89-123
[3] Carreras, Miguel. 2012. "Parties and Party Systems in Latin America after the Third Wave: A Critical Re-Assessment"
Journal of Politics in Latin America 4(1): 135-153
[2] Carreras, Miguel. 2012. "Civil Wars and Criminality: The Spillover of Violence"
International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory 5(1): 837-852
[1] Carreras, Miguel. 2012. "The Evolution of the Study of Executive-Legislative Relations in Latin America"
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos Legislativos 2: 20-26
Book chapters
Carreras, Miguel, and Igor Acacio. 2019. "Electoral Volatility in Latin America"
In Vanden, Harry E. and Gary Prevost (Eds.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics. New York: Oxford University Press
Carreras, Miguel, and Sofia Vera Rojas. 2018. "Cooperative but Not Partisan Strategies. Portfolio Allocation in Peru 1980-2014"
In Camerlo, Marcelo and Cecilia Martinez-Gallardo (Eds.) Government Formation and Minister Turnover in Presidential Cabinets: Comparative Analysis in the Americas. New York: Routledge
Ames, Barry, Louis A. Picard, and Miguel Carreras. 2012. "Evaluating Governance Programs: Donors and Political Parties in Morocco"
In Picard, Louis A., Terry F. Buss, Taylor B. Seybolt, and Macrina C. Lelei (Eds.) Sustainable Development and Human Security in Africa: Governance as the Missing Link. Boca Raron, FL: CRC Press
Ames, Barry, Miguel Carreras, and Cassilde Schwartz. 2012. "What's Next? Reflections on the Future of Latin American Political Science"
In Kingstone, Peter and Deborah J. Yashar (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Latin American Politics. New York: Routledge
In Vanden, Harry E. and Gary Prevost (Eds.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics. New York: Oxford University Press
Carreras, Miguel, and Sofia Vera Rojas. 2018. "Cooperative but Not Partisan Strategies. Portfolio Allocation in Peru 1980-2014"
In Camerlo, Marcelo and Cecilia Martinez-Gallardo (Eds.) Government Formation and Minister Turnover in Presidential Cabinets: Comparative Analysis in the Americas. New York: Routledge
Ames, Barry, Louis A. Picard, and Miguel Carreras. 2012. "Evaluating Governance Programs: Donors and Political Parties in Morocco"
In Picard, Louis A., Terry F. Buss, Taylor B. Seybolt, and Macrina C. Lelei (Eds.) Sustainable Development and Human Security in Africa: Governance as the Missing Link. Boca Raron, FL: CRC Press
Ames, Barry, Miguel Carreras, and Cassilde Schwartz. 2012. "What's Next? Reflections on the Future of Latin American Political Science"
In Kingstone, Peter and Deborah J. Yashar (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Latin American Politics. New York: Routledge
Working papers
"Who Pays for Crime? Criminal Violence and Accountability in Latin America" (with Giancarlo Visconti)
“Trump Tweets and Democratic Attitudes: Evidence from a Survey Experiment” (with Shaun Bowler and Jennifer Merolla)
“Presidential Debates and Electoral Preferences in Weakly Institutionalized Democracies: Evidence from 57 Latin American Elections” (with Francisco Cantú) – Under review
“The Use of Negative Rhetoric: Evidence from Presidential Debates in Latin America” (with Francisco Cantú)
“The impact of domestic military deployments on favorability towards more deployments and coup favorability: Evidence from Brazil” (with Igor Acácio and Giancarlo Visconti)
“Citizens’ Evaluations of Bureaucratic Corruption in Paraguay: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment” (with Sofia Vera and Giancarlo Visconti)
“Trump Tweets and Democratic Attitudes: Evidence from a Survey Experiment” (with Shaun Bowler and Jennifer Merolla)
“Presidential Debates and Electoral Preferences in Weakly Institutionalized Democracies: Evidence from 57 Latin American Elections” (with Francisco Cantú) – Under review
“The Use of Negative Rhetoric: Evidence from Presidential Debates in Latin America” (with Francisco Cantú)
“The impact of domestic military deployments on favorability towards more deployments and coup favorability: Evidence from Brazil” (with Igor Acácio and Giancarlo Visconti)
“Citizens’ Evaluations of Bureaucratic Corruption in Paraguay: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment” (with Sofia Vera and Giancarlo Visconti)